Tata Play DTH Recharge Offers and Coupons
Latest DTH Recharge Offers and Cashbacks.

Get guaranteed 1 month Cashback with recharge of 12 months in your Tata Play a/c

Guaranteed 2 months cashback with recharge of 12 months in your Tata Play a/c

Guaranteed 1 month Cashback with recharge of 6 months in your Tata Play a/c

Recharge with Rs. 399 or more using Paytm wallet/ postpaid and get cashback up to Rs. 400
What is the 6 month pack dth recharge offer of Tata Play?
Tata Play frequently changes its long-term recharge offers like 6-month or yearly plans. To get the most up-to-date information:
• Visit the Tata Play Website: Go to https://qa-portal.tataplay.com/ and look for sections like "All Packs”, "Recharge Offers”.
• Contact Customer Service: Tata Play's customer service can provide details on current long-term plans and their benefits.
What are Tata Play's yearly plan offers?
There are various cashback offers on long term recharge plan, check here:
What is the trending DTH recharge offer on Tata Play?
There are various recharge offers provided by Tata Play across various providers and banks. The full list can be seen here: https://qa-portal.tataplay.com/offers/recharge-offers.
The most trending offer is the annual offers where you can get 1 month balance as cashback. Visit here for offer details: https://qa-portal.tataplay.com/dth/offers/tata-play-recharge-cashback-offer
How can I redeem a Tata Play coupon?
The redemption process can vary depending on the coupon and where you got it. Generally, you can redeem coupons in the below way:
During Online Recharge: Look for a "Coupon Code" or "Promo Code" field during the online recharge process on the Tata Play website or app.
How to get DTH recharge offers in Tata Play?
Here are some common ways to find Tata Play recharge offers:
• Regularly Check the Website/App: Make it a habit to check the Tata Play website or app for new promotions.
• Subscribe to Notifications: Opt-in for email or SMS notifications from Tata Play to receive alerts about offers.
• Look for Festive Offers: Tata Play often runs special promotions during festivals and holidays.
• Check Bank/Wallet Partnerships: Many banks, credit card companies, and digital wallets have tie-ups with Tata Play, offering cashback or discounts on recharges.